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YUKON MEN Recap: Will Charlie & Nations Go Head-to-Head Over Family Trapline?


YUKON MEN continued its walk thru winter last night on Discovery Channel, and it appears Charlie has had enough of Nations’ half-hearted effort to reclaim his family’s trapline.

When Nations Jordan returned from life in the city after 12 years, he turned some lives upside down–at least, he made some of them more frustrating than usual. The Moores have brought him into the family business–he is Pat’s nephew–raising sled dogs, and they are teaching him to be a productive member of the Moore team. But, the jury is still out on whether or not that effort has been a success. The Moores definitely need all the help they can get this winter–they have a lot on their plate, with Courtney trying to care for two young kids and Pat’s wife needing almost constant care after surviving an aneurysm. However, sometimes “help” can be more “hassle” when it comes from the wrong person.

Is Nations help or hassle?

For Charlie, who had been entrusted with a trapline by Nations’ family with instructions to allow him to use it, Nations has definitely been a hassle–at minimum. Since Nations was gone from Tanana for so long, Charlie had been using it for 10 successful years. When Nations decided he wanted to take the trapline back, Charlie gave it back to him–begrudgingly, but without a fight–and even let him use some of his traps to get himself established on it. However, although Nations insisted he was going to care for the trapline, Charlie discovered that, in fact, he has been letting it sit idle for months–and falling into danger of someone overtaking it.

It looks like that someone is going to be Charlie, who is now planning to step in and challenge Nations for rights to the trapline. 

Can anyone blame him?

Joey and Bob were off looking for caribou. They took a long, snowy journey up to the top of mountain to scan for a herd, thinking they would find what they needed, but there was nothing–a discouraging discovery, not only for Joey and Bob, but for the future well-being of Tanana residents, who have depended on caribou for generations.

And, Pat took his wife to Anchorage, after finding a bump on her head, fearing she could be in danger. However, by the time the doctor saw her, the bump was gone. Apparently, the bump was not a problem after all, but an effect of the shunt working–the drainage tool that prevents pressure from building and causing seizures. As Pat said, “It’s good to have good news” for the Moores.

Meanwhile, Stan was working to make an ice road that would allow the town to access the by-product of nearby road-building:  cord after cord of free cut logs. It is a great score for the town, but not so much for James Roberts, who relies on selling wood in the winter to support his family. Apparently, there are enough logs available for the town to run for 1-2 years, so it looks like James is out on the wood-cutting–although someone is going to have to actually cut and split those logs down into usable lengths. Perhaps he can work out a deal with the city to get some kind of pay for doing the job.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Will Charlie Really Issue Nations a Trapline Challenge Tonight?


Tonight YUKON MEN continues on Discovery Channel, and fans are waiting to see how Charlie’s emotional decision to take back the trapline from Nations will play out when he calms down and thinks it over–or had he already thought it over when he declared his intentions at the end of the show last week?

Charlie had been given a great honor by the keepers of the family trapline in question: to keep the trapline going and, therefore, keep it in the family. There was one stipulation: Nations should be allowed to use it if/when he was ready. And, after having kept and cultivated the trapline for a decade, Charlie honored the agreement and turned the trapline over to Nations when he requested it after returning following a 12-year absence.

But, Nations has not honored his side of the deal.

The reason it is so important to continue working the trapline each season is because if it is unused, unkempt and falling into disrepair, it is free game. Someone else can claim it and begin to use it. And, when Charlie reluctantly, but dutifully, turned the trapline over to Nations, he was obviously concerned that that would be the exact scenario that would play out, despite Nations’ assurances to the contrary. Still, Charlie even provided Nations with traps to get started, giving him no excuse for not picking right up where Charlie was leaving off and keeping the trapline going for the current season.

That was not what happened, however, and Charlie found last week that, in fact, the trapline was becoming ragged and overgrown, and the footprints of many animals made the picture even more clear: The trapline, under Nations, was now defunct and, as such, open to challenge. And, as fans of the show know, that challenge may be coming from none other than Charlie himself. Tonight, according to Discovery Channel, on episode “Gut Check”:

The pressure is on Nations, when the Moores head out for the first major dog sled race of the season. Stan faces a hard decision when one of his dogs falls ill. Charlie has had enough once he sees the state of the trapline he handed over to Nations.

It is hard to blame Charlie. If he goes through with his challenge, it may cause some bad blood in Tanana. But, on the other hand, if he goes through with it, the matter will be settled once and for all–and instead of worrying that “his” trapline could be usurped at any moment, Charlie could, with a successful challenge, be firm in the knowledge that in fact “his” trapline is actually his.

Time will tell; stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Tanana Prepares for Iditarod & Charlie Chases a Grizzly Tonight!


Tonight fun–?–in the Frozen North continues on Discovery Channel, with an all-new episode of YUKON MEN.

Many areas of the U.S. experience problems with bears, especially black bears. It is not unusual for bears to be found to be wreaking havoc on trash cans in many rural areas, or tearing into backyard compost piles to see what treats may be awaiting on the inside. Those are definitely scary–and potentially dangerous–problems. But, according to BearSmart.com, bears are predictable, and understanding that fact can help humans when they encounter them. Tonight, however, Charlie and Bob will be dealing with a grizzly that most of us would rather avoid.

According to Discovery Channel, on all-new YUKON MEN episode “Tanana’s Test”:

Stan and Pat race to prepare Tanana to be a checkpoint for the Iditarod dog sled race. Charlie and Bob hunt a grizzly that has been terrorizing a miner’s camp. Joe trains his new dog, hoping to turn him into a hunting partner.

For more information on bear behavior and other facts, check out the BearSmart.com website.

As viewers have seen, sled dogs are very important for the residents of Tanana, both for transportation and as an income. Last week, the Moores were racing their sled dogs in an effort to boost sales at their kennel. Nations was taking his first turn at the helm, racing the dogs in not ideal conditions. The Moores’ long-hair dogs are great for the typically cold weather in Alaska, but the recent warm weather was a problem on race day, with the dogs overheating. However, Nations did push through, and ultimately the Moores’ dogs made a pretty good showing; we hope that they got the boost they needed from the event.

This week, Tanana will be getting ready for the Iditarod. What is the Iditarod? According to Iditarod.com:

A race covering  1000 miles of the roughest, most beautiful terrain Mother Nature has to offer. She throws jagged mountain ranges, frozen river, dense forest, desolate tundra and miles of windswept coast at the mushers and their dog teams. Add to that temperatures far below zero, winds that can cause a complete loss of visibility, the hazards of overflow, long hours of darkness and treacherous climbs and side hills, and you have the Iditarod. A race extraordinaire, a race only possible in Alaska.

And, where is it run?

From Anchorage, in south central Alaska, to Nome on the western Bering Sea coast.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Watch Charlie Begin the Tanana Wolf Hunt in Our Exclusive Preview Video!


Tonight on Discovery Channel hit series YUKON MEN, the residents of Tanana, AK, are waging war against another resident of the area: wolves.

Last week, Tanana residents made it clear that there were too many wolves for their liking surrounding their town. Is this the wolves’ fault? No; wolves have to live and eat, too, so taking down a moose doesn’t seem out of line. But, overpopulation of many species can occur for various reasons, and perhaps that has happened in the case of wolves, leading to a threat to the moose population–and to the residents of Tanana. Hopefully, there will be more explanation on the situation of the wolf population in Alaska–specifically in the Tanana area–on tonight’s show.

Also tonight, the Moore family is having a rough time; actually, they have been having some rough issues the last season or so, with Pat’s wife’s health issues necessarily becoming center-stage and the dog business not thriving as the family needs it to do. And, the return of Pat’s nephew, Nations Jordan, has been an unsettling issue for some, as well. Pat’s daughter, Courtney Agnes, has truly stepped up to the challenges the family faces–Pat could not keep things going without her–but she has her own kids, and it is a balance that is shaky to maintain at times.

Tonight, on YUKON MEN episode “The Black Wolf,” the community is facing the wolves and the Moores are facing each other, according to Discovery Channel:

Joey deals with consequences of Alaska’s unusually warm winter and must turn to his dad for help. Pat steps in to help Courtney with motherhood while she takes care of the family business. Nations has to prove himself to Pat when he thinks their dog mushing team is running with the wrong leader.

And, take a look at Charlie’s attack on the leader of the wolf pack, the “Black Wolf,” EXCLUSIVE for TVRuckus readers, courtesy of Discovery Channel: 

It’s going to be a tense night on YUKON MEN; stay tuned!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN Recap: Will Charlie & Nations Go Head-to-Head Over Family Trapline?


YUKON MEN continued its walk thru winter last night on Discovery Channel, and it appears Charlie has had enough of Nations’ half-hearted effort to reclaim his family’s trapline.

When Nations Jordan returned from life in the city after 12 years, he turned some lives upside down–at least, he made some of them more frustrating than usual. The Moores have brought him into the family business–he is Pat’s nephew–raising sled dogs, and they are teaching him to be a productive member of the Moore team. But, the jury is still out on whether or not that effort has been a success. The Moores definitely need all the help they can get this winter–they have a lot on their plate, with Courtney trying to care for two young kids and Pat’s wife needing almost constant care after surviving an aneurysm. However, sometimes “help” can be more “hassle” when it comes from the wrong person.

Is Nations help or hassle?

For Charlie, who had been entrusted with a trapline by Nations’ family with instructions to allow him to use it, Nations has definitely been a hassle–at minimum. Since Nations was gone from Tanana for so long, Charlie had been using it for 10 successful years. When Nations decided he wanted to take the trapline back, Charlie gave it back to him–begrudgingly, but without a fight–and even let him use some of his traps to get himself established on it. However, although Nations insisted he was going to care for the trapline, Charlie discovered that, in fact, he has been letting it sit idle for months–and falling into danger of someone overtaking it.

It looks like that someone is going to be Charlie, who is now planning to step in and challenge Nations for rights to the trapline. 

Can anyone blame him?

Joey and Bob were off looking for caribou. They took a long, snowy journey up to the top of mountain to scan for a herd, thinking they would find what they needed, but there was nothing–a discouraging discovery, not only for Joey and Bob, but for the future well-being of Tanana residents, who have depended on caribou for generations.

And, Pat took his wife to Anchorage, after finding a bump on her head, fearing she could be in danger. However, by the time the doctor saw her, the bump was gone. Apparently, the bump was not a problem after all, but an effect of the shunt working–the drainage tool that prevents pressure from building and causing seizures. As Pat said, “It’s good to have good news” for the Moores.

Meanwhile, Stan was working to make an ice road that would allow the town to access the by-product of nearby road-building:  cord after cord of free cut logs. It is a great score for the town, but not so much for James Roberts, who relies on selling wood in the winter to support his family. Apparently, there are enough logs available for the town to run for 1-2 years, so it looks like James is out on the wood-cutting–although someone is going to have to actually cut and split those logs down into usable lengths. Perhaps he can work out a deal with the city to get some kind of pay for doing the job.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Will Charlie Really Issue Nations a Trapline Challenge Tonight?


Tonight YUKON MEN continues on Discovery Channel, and fans are waiting to see how Charlie’s emotional decision to take back the trapline from Nations will play out when he calms down and thinks it over–or had he already thought it over when he declared his intentions at the end of the show last week?

Charlie had been given a great honor by the keepers of the family trapline in question: to keep the trapline going and, therefore, keep it in the family. There was one stipulation: Nations should be allowed to use it if/when he was ready. And, after having kept and cultivated the trapline for a decade, Charlie honored the agreement and turned the trapline over to Nations when he requested it after returning following a 12-year absence.

But, Nations has not honored his side of the deal.

The reason it is so important to continue working the trapline each season is because if it is unused, unkempt and falling into disrepair, it is free game. Someone else can claim it and begin to use it. And, when Charlie reluctantly, but dutifully, turned the trapline over to Nations, he was obviously concerned that that would be the exact scenario that would play out, despite Nations’ assurances to the contrary. Still, Charlie even provided Nations with traps to get started, giving him no excuse for not picking right up where Charlie was leaving off and keeping the trapline going for the current season.

That was not what happened, however, and Charlie found last week that, in fact, the trapline was becoming ragged and overgrown, and the footprints of many animals made the picture even more clear: The trapline, under Nations, was now defunct and, as such, open to challenge. And, as fans of the show know, that challenge may be coming from none other than Charlie himself. Tonight, according to Discovery Channel, on episode “Gut Check”:

The pressure is on Nations, when the Moores head out for the first major dog sled race of the season. Stan faces a hard decision when one of his dogs falls ill. Charlie has had enough once he sees the state of the trapline he handed over to Nations.

It is hard to blame Charlie. If he goes through with his challenge, it may cause some bad blood in Tanana. But, on the other hand, if he goes through with it, the matter will be settled once and for all–and instead of worrying that “his” trapline could be usurped at any moment, Charlie could, with a successful challenge, be firm in the knowledge that in fact “his” trapline is actually his.

Time will tell; stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Tanana Prepares for Iditarod & Charlie Chases a Grizzly Tonight!


Tonight fun–?–in the Frozen North continues on Discovery Channel, with an all-new episode of YUKON MEN.

Many areas of the U.S. experience problems with bears, especially black bears. It is not unusual for bears to be found to be wreaking havoc on trash cans in many rural areas, or tearing into backyard compost piles to see what treats may be awaiting on the inside. Those are definitely scary–and potentially dangerous–problems. But, according to BearSmart.com, bears are predictable, and understanding that fact can help humans when they encounter them. Tonight, however, Charlie and Bob will be dealing with a grizzly that most of us would rather avoid.

According to Discovery Channel, on all-new YUKON MEN episode “Tanana’s Test”:

Stan and Pat race to prepare Tanana to be a checkpoint for the Iditarod dog sled race. Charlie and Bob hunt a grizzly that has been terrorizing a miner’s camp. Joe trains his new dog, hoping to turn him into a hunting partner.

For more information on bear behavior and other facts, check out the BearSmart.com website.

As viewers have seen, sled dogs are very important for the residents of Tanana, both for transportation and as an income. Last week, the Moores were racing their sled dogs in an effort to boost sales at their kennel. Nations was taking his first turn at the helm, racing the dogs in not ideal conditions. The Moores’ long-hair dogs are great for the typically cold weather in Alaska, but the recent warm weather was a problem on race day, with the dogs overheating. However, Nations did push through, and ultimately the Moores’ dogs made a pretty good showing; we hope that they got the boost they needed from the event.

This week, Tanana will be getting ready for the Iditarod. What is the Iditarod? According to Iditarod.com:

A race covering  1000 miles of the roughest, most beautiful terrain Mother Nature has to offer. She throws jagged mountain ranges, frozen river, dense forest, desolate tundra and miles of windswept coast at the mushers and their dog teams. Add to that temperatures far below zero, winds that can cause a complete loss of visibility, the hazards of overflow, long hours of darkness and treacherous climbs and side hills, and you have the Iditarod. A race extraordinaire, a race only possible in Alaska.

And, where is it run?

From Anchorage, in south central Alaska, to Nome on the western Bering Sea coast.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Will Residents of Tanana Double-Down in New Season Following a Savage WildFire?


UPDATED:  Did the Tanana residents beat the fire? Read our recap!

Fans of YUKON MEN, the residents of Tanana, Alaska, are on their way back to Discovery Channel. But, are they on their way back to Tanana?

Fans of the show are familiar with the remote location of Tanana, Alaska, as it clings to the banks of the Yukon River. The handful of residents who make Tanana their home actually revel in the isolation they enjoy in this village, as they carve what many might consider an enviable, even blessed, existence from the frozen tundra. But, this season, that existence is threatened, when the villagers of Tanana face extinction as the largest wildfire in the country ravages the Alaskan wilderness and threatens to wipe the town from the map.

The villagers of Tanana are dedicated to their lifestyle–and to each other. But, will the aftermath of a wildfire be too much? When the smoke clears, the land is in ashes. The wildlife they depend on has fled. They face an uncertain future in a world more dangerous than ever. Each man and woman will be pushed to their limit as they fight to adapt to the harsh new landscape and reclaim their lives on the edge of the world. Will they all choose to return?

Stan Zuray, Joey Zuray, Charlie Wright, Courtney Agnes, Pat Moore, Bob Wright and James Roberts will all have decisions to make in the new season. Will their decisions result in the survival of Tanana, or a new start elsewhere?

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Nick Guettler are Executive Producers. Kyle Wheeler is Executive Producer and Brian Peterson is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

The new season of YUKON MEN premieres on Discovery Channel Friday, March 11, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Image:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN Recap: Tanana Citizens Pull Together & Fight Raging Wildfire on Season Premiere; Did They Win?


UPDATED: Will Tanana residents begin to find their way tonight? Check out this week’s preview on TVRuckus!

Last night on Discovery Channel, the YUKON MEN returned for an all-new season. The big question: Would Tanana survive an oncoming wildfire?

At the beginning of the episode, it looked bleak. The residents, even those with fire experience, seemed caught off-guard by the movement of the fire towards Tanana, but that is the frustration with such natural phenomenon: Fire doesn’t often “think” the same way we do.

As the fire raged towards Tanana, residents had to decide whether to stay and fight for their homes or evacuate. Many chose to evacuate, like Courtney Agnes, who opted to take her two young daughters on to safer grounds; cannot blame her. And, in many cases, that is the best option–getting out before it is too late to leave, then putting others in danger when they are obligated to come after you.

But, for others, the choice was to stay and fight the fire. As those who stayed indicated: Tanana is their home, and staying and fighting was the only real option for them. So, many stayed, like James Roberts, Charlie Wright and Stan Zuray, with too much to lose to leave. Plus, they had the skills to make staying the right call.

For example, James Roberts was tasked with the dangerous job of leading a small team men to cut in a fireline, removing a massive strip of 500 trees, to take away the fuel the monster needed to advance. Charlie, with an intimate knowledge of the area, had the job of leading firefighters into the thick forests and into the right positions on the frontlines of the fire. Stan had one of the scarier jobs, starting a huge back-burn, once again to take away fuel the fire needed to continue its march toward Tanana. Very risky, because it could potentially start another fire if it were to get away from the firefighters–as it almost did when the truck almost ran out of water! Fortunately, the water tanker arrived just in time.

Tanana was at a crossroads, with residents protecting their homes and hoping the winds did not change before air support could arrive to begin dousing the disaster from above. It was scary to watch; it is hard to imagine what it must have been like to have been in the midst of it.

But, they won.

The air supply arrived, and the fire did not get their homes, their town. But, of course, there is still disaster all around. There is no doubt the area will be affected for years to come, everything from hunting grounds to drinking water could be tainted. The grounds all around them are just gone, burned away to a char.

Can the residents of Tanana go forward?

We are betting they can. But, stay tuned for this all-new season of YUKON MEN and find out.

YUKON MEN is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Nick Guettler are Executive Producers. Kyle Wheeler is Executive Producer and Brian Peterson is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Friday nights at 10/9c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Can Residents of Tanana Begin to Rise from Ashes Tonight?


Tonight on Discovery Channel, fan-favorite series YUKON MEN begins working its way back from the ashes–literally. Will fans have the patience to stick with the residents of Tanana as they work hard to find a new normal for their lives after a huge forest fire gutted their way of living?

One thing is for certain: Residents of Tanana are dedicated to their way of life, their village and each other. Last week, they fought the oncoming wildfire bravely and staunchly, not giving in for a moment. Courtney evacuated, but that appeared to be the right move, for a mom with young children to think about!

This week, it is time to find a new normal. Forest fires cause more than just the immediate problems of, well, everything burning down around you and a smoky scent lingering in the fresh air. The U.S. Forest Service studies the long-term effects of such disasters. On their website, they write:

Wildfire is a part of nature. It plays a key role in shaping ecosystems by serving as an agent of renewal and change. But fire can be deadly, destroying homes, wildlife habitat and timber, and polluting the air with emissions harmful to human health. Fire also releases carbon dioxide- a key greenhouse gas—into the atmosphere. Fire’s effect on the landscape may be long-lasting. Fire effects are influenced by forest conditions before the fire and management action taken or not taken after the fire.

There are a number of studies included on the U.S. Forest Service site that fans of YUKON MEN might be interested in reading. Some include the effects of forest fires on acorn production; carbon and climate; seeding; and watershed processes. The effects of these disasters can last for decades; it will be interesting to see how the YUKON MEN approach the challenge ahead. Tonight, according to Discovery Channel, on all-new episode, “From the Ashes”:

After Alaska’s largest wildfire ravages Tanana, the villagers must adapt their subsistence lifestyles to a new even harsher reality. Two young homesteaders embark upon a dangerous journey in the hopes of starting a new life on the Cosna.

We are certainly hoping for the best for all involved, Tanana and otherwise, for the long process of recovery ahead. Like other fans, we intend to stay tuned.

YUKON MEN is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Nick Guettler are Executive Producers. Kyle Wheeler is Executive Producer and Brian Peterson is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Friday nights at 10/9c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Are Jessi & Chris Just Too Unprepared to Survive the Harsh YUKON MEN Winter?


UPDATED: Fans got their answer last night on “Yukon Men” Season Finale; read the recap!

The new season of YUKON MEN on Discovery Channel is in full swing, and the residents of Tanana have a formidable task ahead of them: Rediscover their lives among ashes. Life in Alaska is struggle enough, without the challenge of forest fire. But, for these residents, Tanana is home.

“I’ve never seen such widespread destruction,” Charlie Wright said. “So, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

However, one of the biggest question marks on this season of YUKON MEN is probably young couple Chris and Jessi Morse, about 60 miles from the destruction facing Tanana residents. Chris and Jessi struggled to get down the Cosna River and to their property. Chris wants to get back to his roots; Jessi shares her husband’s dream of living off the land. Their biggest issue at the moment seems to be preparation; do they have any idea how to prepare for a winter in the Yukon? Do they know how to supply themselves with clean water–even in the short-term? “Anywhere else, in any city, water is not a problem,” Jessi observed. “It’s always been at the tip of my fingers. And, I don’t have any of that out here.”

They also do not have food, other than what they brought with them–and it’s not a lot.

The couple’s intentions are good. And, they have a better start than most, having land and a cabin that Chris’s dad built and once occupied. But, unfortunately, just because dad was able to do it doesn’t make it something the kids have the capability of doing–and whether or not Chris has his dad’s skills and understanding of what it takes to live in an isolated area like the Yukon, and teach them to his wife? “There’s so much back at home that I’ve taken for granted,” he said. “When we’re back in town, we just go to the grocery store, pick up a little bit of meat and call it good. But, out here? There’s no grocery store to go to.” Chris’s father was able to put food on the table by hunting; but, can Chris follow in his footsteps?

We don’t know, but Jessi did not seem crazy about making squirrel stew. “Honestly, it never crossed my mind that squirrel was really edible.”

Things are not looking good for the Morse adventure. Will things get better for them this week on YUKON MEN? According to Discovery Channel, it appears almost everyone, not just the Morses, is reaching a breaking point in preparing for winter and moving forward into the unknown. The Zurays are doing pretty well, following Joey’s moose kill last week, but others? This week, on episode “Desperate Measures”:

Rebuilding after the fire set everyone back. Charlie needs all his native wisdom to supply his family this winter. Pat Moore gambles big, trading a prize sled dog for a handful of goats. Stan needs James’ lumber to help rebuild his cabin.

“I might be in over my head,” Chris said last week. “I might not be able to make it. I’m starting to freak out.” But, fortunately, Jessi has the patience her husband lacks–as she proved last week in their smokehouse-building project. Now, can they just get a moose to fill it?

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Friday nights at 10/9c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Can Chris & Jessi Survive a YUKON MEN Winter with No Moose & a Sketchy Heat Source?


UPDATED: Fans got their answer last night on “Yukon Men” Season Finale; read the recap!

Winter is coming on fast in Tanana, as it always appears to do on Discovery Channel’s YUKON MEN. Once the short summer is over, it seems to be almost no time before a chill in the air becomes a deep and potentially deadly Alaskan freeze.

Winter in Alaska is no joke. And, living off the land, away from city life, shelves stocked with food and propane trucks ready to fill your tank with a new load of easy-to-access heat, well, things can get dangerous fast when someone is not fully prepared. And, new YUKON MEN cast members Chris and Jessi seem to be in just that predicament.

The Tanana residents on the show seem to be struggling, as well, following the fire that ravaged the area, including the hunting grounds. Pat Moore has even resorted to buying–actually trading a prized sled dog–for four goats to get meat for winter. But, Chris and Jessi? They are living in an area that appears even more isolated than Tanana, and they have no choice but to hunt for their winter meat. But, things are not going so well for the off-the-grid newbies.

Both appear to have had a rather romanticized idea of what life at Chris’s father’s cabin would be like; Jessi even seemed to be surprised a bear would be in the general vicinity of where they are living. It is understandable, of course, she would be afraid of bears, especially having had a friend who experienced her husband being mauled, apparently to death, by one. But, still, they are going to be a fact of life where they are, and that fact appeared to be a new consideration for her last week. She did, however, seem to be up to that particular challenge, saying, “We don’t have time to be scared. We have to get this moose, or everything that we’ve worked for, it will just be gone. It will be crippling.”

So, the Moores got their (badly behaved) goats; Charlie got his moose, before the close of moose season; and, of course, Joey had gotten his moose triumphantly previously. But, unfortunately for Chris and Jessi, moose season closed without a kill for them; not as much as a sighting. What will they do, now? Will it really be as dire as they now fear? According to Discovery Channel, on all-new episode, “Drive to Survive”:

With a brutal winter taking hold, Chris and Jessi struggle to stay warm. In Rampart, Charlie digs deep into his bag of tricks. Stan and Joey build a monster truck to help rebuild Tozi cabin.

No moose; not enough heat; can the idealistic couple really survive the winter in Alaska? Do they really want to? Have they just taken on too much? “I don’t know what to do,” Chris said.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Friday nights at 10/9c.

Image:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

‘Yukon Men’ Season Finale: Did Chris & Jessi Make the Right Call, Going into a Live Bear Den?


Watching Jessi crawl into bear dens last night on the Season Finale of “Yukon Men,” mixed feelings arose. On the one hand, someone going into the den was her suggestion in the first place–she just assumed the one going in would be Chris. That was clear on her face when he said it would have to be her, because, unlike him, she could not pull him out if he got in trouble and needed immediate removal.

On the other hand, they needed food, whatever way they could get it. Chris had lost 40 pounds, and they were tearing thru their emergency stock of food–and winter was just getting started. Every attempt to find big game had been a failure. Heck, every attempt to find small game had been a failure, except for an immediate meal that night. One beaver here, a fish or two there, it just does not work in an area with the harsh weather conditions of Alaska and the high calorie expenditures one has when living in the bush. They needed big game, and it looked like their only option was going into a bear den.

The original bear hole was empty; whatever had lived there had moved on; major disappointment. But, one thing you have to give Chris and Jessi: They never seem to give up. They went looking for another bear den–apparently when they move out of one, they often move to a new one nearby–and found it. The frost on the outside indicated something was breathing on the inside. And, when Jessi crawled into it, she knew there was something to face on the inside.

Turns out, she is pretty good bear bait.

Watching them lure the bear out via Jessi still results in mixed emotions. It’s hard to deem it a good idea in any way; on the other hand, they were in a position few of us in the U.S. ever really are these days (just look around you, you’ll see that’s true). They were not going to have enough food to get thru the winter if they did not kill something substantial, and watching them drag that bear in the snow and butcher it when they got home made it a little easier to give the couple a cautionary “thumbs up” for their success.

Plus, Jessi really faced her fears, and it seemed to empower her; it’s hard to argue with that result, as well.

If Chris and Jessi can do all of that, then we think they have what it takes to live a long and happy life in the bush of Alaska, if they so choose. What do you think? Regardless of the positive outcome, was poking around in a bear den a mistake? Or do you give the duo a thumbs-up, as well? Let us know in the comment section below.

“Yukon Men” airs on Discovery Channel. Next Friday, April 29, check out a new “Alaskan Bush People” special at 9/8c, followed by an all-new Series Premiere, “Trailblazers,” at 10/9c.

Image: Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

Ready For ‘Yukon Men’ Season 6 Premiere? Tanana Under Siege, From Nature and Humans


“Yukon Men” will be back in action for season six on Discovery. It all begins Friday night April 21 on 9 p.m. ET/PT and things have changed.

This season, the town of Tanana feels like it’s under siege, while it still recovering from a wildfire that almost wiped it out. The natural disaster was called the largest in the country, not just Alaska, taking with it a half-million acres of prime land for hunting and trapping. As far as what else the inhabitants of Tanana have to deal with, well, for that you just have to look at yourself, and not nature.

People, outsiders are about to arrive. How can that be, considering what we know of Tanana is that it’s 130 miles from the nearest city, and as the network says, it sits “…on the brink of civilization?” It’s all about new roads that connect it to the city of Fairbanks. When you add the fire ravaged land to the ability of outsiders to come trophy hunting, the couple of hundred inhabitants feel like they are under siege, that’s for sure.

Then there is the increasingly obvious climate change issues to deal with. Weather patterns have shifted dramatically, making life unpredictable, in a place that counts on the seasons being consistent. What does that mean? Only the strong survive or want to. Perhaps the bigger question is who will be able to withstand the influx of outsiders.

Where did we leave off at the end of season five of “Yukon Men”? If you’re a fan of the show, it’s difficult to forget! We watched Jessi and Chris lure a bear out of its den, with Jessi as bait. They were out of options if they wanted food for winter, which was closing in. Jessi really faced her fears, and it seemed to empower her.It gave them both the feeling they can make it in the bush of Alaska if they choose to do so. Will this season change that?   Tune in…

“Yukon Men” will air its sixth season premiere, Friday night April 21 at 9 p.m. ET/PT   Image credit: Discovery Communications, used with permission

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Sneak Peek ‘Yukon Men’ Season 6: Tanana Ready To Fight For Way Of Life (VIDEO)


“Yukon Men” presents its season 6 premiere Friday night April 21 on Discovery Channel, beginning at 9 p.m. et/pt. The residents of Tanana are riled up about what they consider an invasion. Mother nature puts obstacles in their way, and while the environmental crises have to be managed, no one thought that civilization would intrude to make things worse.  Updated with EXCLUSIVE preview of episode 2

In the sneak peek of season 6 action posted below, you get a quick look at the fear that comes from having a road connect the town to Fairbanks, Alaska. Strangers have arrived and with them comes rule breaking that makes life unsafe for the Tanana stalwarts. The new road provides outside trophy hunters access to Tanana’s sacred land and resources. With their way of life under attack, the villagers must find ways to survive this unstoppable invasion.

The video clip gives us a glimpse of a mother and daughter walking in the field when they hear gunshots that are too close for comfort. Then there’s the deer killed with parts left where the hunters gutted it. There is a distinct disgust for any human intrusion, because folks landed in Tanana to be 130 miles from other human beings.

This season on “Yukon Men” digs deeper into the life of each family like never before. For many villagers, the future of Tanana is uncertain. Will the residents embrace change or will external forces end a way of life dating back hundreds of years?

Where did we leave off at the end of season 5? We watched Jessi and Chris lure a bear out of its den, with Jessi as bait. They were out of options if they wanted food for winter, which was closing in. Jessi really faced her fears, and it seemed to empower her. It gave them both the feeling they can make it in the bush of Alaska if they choose to do so. Will this season change that?

“Yukon Men” airs season 6 episodes on Discovery, Friday nights at 9 p.m. Season premiere April 21st at 9.  Image/video credit: Discovery Communications, used with permission 

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‘Yukon Men’ EXCLUSIVE: Watch Charlie’s Helper Find Danger Clearing His Trapline (VIDEO)


Season six of “Yukon Men” is underway and in episode two, airing tonight, Friday April 28 on Discovery, the reality has set in for residents of Tanana. Outsiders are among them and the residents are dealing with it in a variety of ways. If you missed the season premiere, check out this post with info about the major event that caused shock and concern.

A road now connects the town to Fairbanks, Alaska. Strangers have arrived and with them comes rule breaking that makes life unsafe for the Tanana stalwarts. The new road provides outside trophy hunters access to Tanana’s sacred land and resources. With their way of life under attack, the villagers must find ways to survive this unstoppable invasion.

In tonight’s episode, “Bloodlines”, trapping season is approaching and the residents realize that their territory could be challenged, endangering their ability to earn an income. In the EXCLUSIVE sneak peek posted below, watch Charlie Wright utilize his daughter’s boyfriend, Curtis Tindall to help clear debris from his trapline. It means moving boulders and other types of hard work, but there are other lessons to be learned.

The Yukon River is filled with floating chunks of ice and there is residual ice on the shoreline. With Wright’s trapline running along the water’s edge, maneuvering in a four-wheel drive vehicle could get tricky. Ya’ think?

Also on tonight’s “Yukon Men”, Chris and Jessi Morse continue to struggle in their efforts to stockpile enough food for winter. With limited options they resort to hunting with primitive homemade weapons. That isn’t the worst of their problems, because the family is forced to evacuate one of their own. A medical emergency arose and fear begins to creep in.

“Yukon Men” season 6 airs on Discovery Friday nights beginning at 9 p.m. ET/PT   Image/video credit: Discovery Communications, used with permission 

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‘Yukon Men’: Stan’s Dog Team Tries To Rescue Tanana’s Water Supply (VIDEO)


“Yukon Men” presents a tense situation that could be disastrous if not handled in a timely fashion. On the episode airing Friday night June 2, it’s up to Stan Zuray and his dog team to restore the water supply to the village of Tanana.

In the sneak peek video clip of the episode posted below, we’re given the stakes and the circumstances. There’s an 18-mile stretch of road that has to be traversed to pick up a key piece of water pipe. Some or all of it, depending on conditions, can only be managed with a sled and dogs.

It was up to Charlie Wright to get the pipe delivered from Fairbanks. The shipper abandoned it in deep snow on the new road. Check out what Stan’s got in store for himself and his dogs. There is a time factor that makes this critical after extreme sub-zero temperatures froze Tanana’s supply of fresh water. The clock is ticking before it runs dry.

But, dogs are not creatures that are impervious to the conditions or to injury. When Stan notices drops of blood in the driving snow, he is faced with a dilemma that may not end well for the people of Tanana.

Also on this week’s “Yukon Men”, Chris Morse’s father Stuart returns to the Cosna after forty years. During the visit tensions run high when the men try to collaborate on an ambitious homestead improvement project.

This season digs deeper into the life of each Yukon family like never before. For many villagers, the future of Tanana is uncertain. Will the residents embrace change or will external forces end a way of life dating back hundreds of years?

“Yukon Men” is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Nick Guettler are Executive Producers. Dave Freed and Mitchell Rosenbaum are Executive Producers and Brian Peterson is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

“Yukon Men” airs Fridays on Discovery beginning at 9 p.m. ET/PT  Image/video credit: Discovery Communications, used with permission 

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