YUKON MEN continued its walk thru winter last night on Discovery Channel, and it appears Charlie has had enough of Nations’ half-hearted effort to reclaim his family’s trapline.
When Nations Jordan returned from life in the city after 12 years, he turned some lives upside down–at least, he made some of them more frustrating than usual. The Moores have brought him into the family business–he is Pat’s nephew–raising sled dogs, and they are teaching him to be a productive member of the Moore team. But, the jury is still out on whether or not that effort has been a success. The Moores definitely need all the help they can get this winter–they have a lot on their plate, with Courtney trying to care for two young kids and Pat’s wife needing almost constant care after surviving an aneurysm. However, sometimes “help” can be more “hassle” when it comes from the wrong person.
Is Nations help or hassle?
For Charlie, who had been entrusted with a trapline by Nations’ family with instructions to allow him to use it, Nations has definitely been a hassle–at minimum. Since Nations was gone from Tanana for so long, Charlie had been using it for 10 successful years. When Nations decided he wanted to take the trapline back, Charlie gave it back to him–begrudgingly, but without a fight–and even let him use some of his traps to get himself established on it. However, although Nations insisted he was going to care for the trapline, Charlie discovered that, in fact, he has been letting it sit idle for months–and falling into danger of someone overtaking it.
It looks like that someone is going to be Charlie, who is now planning to step in and challenge Nations for rights to the trapline.
Can anyone blame him?
Joey and Bob were off looking for caribou. They took a long, snowy journey up to the top of mountain to scan for a herd, thinking they would find what they needed, but there was nothing–a discouraging discovery, not only for Joey and Bob, but for the future well-being of Tanana residents, who have depended on caribou for generations.
And, Pat took his wife to Anchorage, after finding a bump on her head, fearing she could be in danger. However, by the time the doctor saw her, the bump was gone. Apparently, the bump was not a problem after all, but an effect of the shunt working–the drainage tool that prevents pressure from building and causing seizures. As Pat said, “It’s good to have good news” for the Moores.
Meanwhile, Stan was working to make an ice road that would allow the town to access the by-product of nearby road-building: cord after cord of free cut logs. It is a great score for the town, but not so much for James Roberts, who relies on selling wood in the winter to support his family. Apparently, there are enough logs available for the town to run for 1-2 years, so it looks like James is out on the wood-cutting–although someone is going to have to actually cut and split those logs down into usable lengths. Perhaps he can work out a deal with the city to get some kind of pay for doing the job.
Stay tuned.
YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.
Image: Discovery Channel via Facebook