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YUKON MEN Will Come Outta the Dark on Sunday!

Stan Zuray on Discovery Channel's YUKON MEN

Stan Zuray is getting older; can his son step it up in Tanana, AK, or could it be time for Stan to pack it in?

Tanana, Alaska, is waking up, and YUKON MEN returns this Sunday with all-new episodes on Discovery Channel!

It’s not only bone-chilling cold in Tanana, just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle, it is dark for six weeks, and residents are ready for some daylight! Last season, Tanana suffered through record-breaking cold of 70-below zero, and the residents were scrambling for supplies to get through the winter; now, viewers will watch as Tanana’s citizens finally emerge from their cocoons and begin, yet again, to start preparing for the winter months lingering on the horizon.

One of the drawbacks of living that Alaska life:  Winter ALWAYS seems to be lingering on the horizon!

This season, father-son relationships will be put to the test with new pressures and responsibilities that will be demanded of them.  The YUKON MEN  find themselves at a cross roads as they grapple with some life-altering decisions. Stan Zuray has always been a proud patriarch and has welcomed the responsibility to provide for his families.   But Stan isn’t getting any younger and hunting in Alaska isn’t getting any easier.  Stan’s son, Joey, must step up and take on some of the major responsibilities in order to protect his father from the harsh conditions of the Alaskan wilderness. Meanwhile, Charlie Wright is struggling with his own family, as his son, Bob, must decide if he can handle a life in Tanana or if it’s time to find a job in the big city.  Down the street, Pat Moore must deal with a family illness and a business in jeopardy while his daughter Courtney relishes in her pregnancy.

The residents of Tanana are a tight-knit bunch, but will they all be together in their own personal no-man’s-land by the end of this winter season?

Stay tuned.

Yukon Men returns to Discovery Channel this Sunday, October 20, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Read more about YUKON MEN on TVRuckus!

Image:  Discovery Channel

YUKON MEN: Can Tanana Survive As Younger Generation Makes Choices?

Bob Wright of Discovery Channel's YUKON MEN

Bob Wright does not seem to have the drive to live in Tanana his entire life as his father, Charlie, does.

YUKON MEN came back for a new season on Discovery Channel last night, and the town is as cold and uninviting than ever.

I mean no disrespect to the people of Tanana when I say that; they seem to be good, solid, hard-working people. And, obviously they love their way of life, living off the grid and depending on their own skills and the kindness of neighbors to survive. But, I suspect most viewers probably feel much like I do:  I love to watch, but find myself asking, “WHY do they live there?”

The people of Tanana live just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle—it’s cold up there, in other words, and more than just a bit isolated. They spend their entire lives just preparing for the opportunity to survive, and never seem to get anywhere—the ice-breaking, snow-digging, and log-splitting just never ends. Most of us work hard so that we can reach a place in our lives where we can have a little rest. But, when your hard work is all going into basic survival, “rest” will never be part of the equation. Some people, like Stan Zuray, left the lower 48 for this lifestyle, but as they get older, perhaps they are going to find that “retirement” off-the-grid doesn’t mean exactly the same thing as it does in urban, even vastly rural, areas in most of the U.S.

Not the life for most of us, I imagine—and probably will not be for many of the younger residents of Tanana in the future.

Charlie Wright is one of the leading residents of Tanana—the “go-to” guy of the town, “Mr. Fix-it,” the man with the plan. But, his younger son, Bob, is not following in his footsteps, and does not appear to be relishing a life digging in snow and cutting out huge blocks of ice just to get a drink of water.

Who can blame him?

This season of YUKON MEN should be a good one, but with a different vibe:  Will Tanana, not just its individual residents, survive in the long run? Or will the lure of an easier life elsewhere be too much for a younger generation to resist?

Stay tuned for this season of YUKON MEN and find out!

Yukon Men airs on Discovery Channel on Sunday nights at 10/9c.

Read more about YUKON MEN on TVRuckus!

Image:  Discovery Channel

YUKON MEN: Who Set the Moore Family’s Moral Compass?

Thomas Moore of Discovery Channel's YUKON MEN.

The Moore family’s motto seems to be, “Take it if we want it, whoever it belongs to.” At least, that’s the attitude Thomas Moore displayed in this week’s episode!

At one time, I thought Pat Moore was the only one in that family who was jerky with questionable morals; now, it is clear that his kids are just as bad as he is.

The Moores are having a hard time feeding their dogs this season, and son Thomas went to Charlie to ask to use one of his beaver runs to try and catch some food for the dogs and for their family as well. Charlie gave him an area to trap, and off Thomas and sister Courtney went. But, things did not go as they had hoped. What they found was that Charlie did not give them his prime ground for trapping.

Did they really expect that he would?

The thing is, Charlie did not have to give the Moores permission to use ANY of his property for trapping. They should have been appreciative. Instead, they decided to sneak onto one of Charlie’s best spots and poach his beavers–a major breach of trust in an Alaska community such as Tanana, something of which Courtney and Thomas were well-aware.

By the time they had pulled a few beavers out of the ice, Courtney and Thomas were obviously confident that they were pulling one over on Charlie, and were just resetting with the ease that one’s greed and foolish self-pride provides. But, as is more often the case than not, their greed was discovered—and Charlie was not happy.

“Sorry about that buddy,” Thomas said.

“Charlie seems pretty pissed,” Courtney said in a camera cameo. “I feel kinda bad my cravings [for beaver tail] got us in trouble. This could be really bad for Thomas and I.”

“He’s a really important person in the community,” Thomas said in a camera cameo. “It would be really bad if Charlie went back to town and told them we were on his trap line, because that would make us look really bad.”

Yeah, they were sorry they got CAUGHT.

But, Charlie was kind, as he typically is, and he let them slide—kind of. “He’s gonna have to give something back to make up for the loss,” he said to the camera. Courtney did invite him over for a beaver tail meal, but it seems unlikely that Charlie will trust them in the future as he did previously.

And, you know, the thing is, if they had just went to Charlie with the problem they were having BEFORE trapping there instead of AFTER, he probably would have given them permission to use that part of his beaver run instead.

And, Courtney–boy, she is really working that pregnancy. If she doesn’t want to do anything three months along, it’s going to be something to see when she is nine months!

The Moores—not the most impressive family in Tanana.

Stay tuned.

Yukon Men airs on Discovery Channel on Sunday nights at 10/9c.

Read more about the growing feud between Pat Moore and James Roberts on TVRuckus!

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Dangerous Wolf Invasion Strikes Tanana Tonight on YUKON MEN


Danger is ever-present in a frozen town like Tanana, AK, so remote that the animals, rather than the YUKON MEN, are at the top of the food chain.

YUKON MEN on Discovery Channel: Dog sledding.

Which family will come out dominant on tonight’s dog-sledding challenge on YUKON MEN?

This week, the problem is wolves—lots of them. Yes, they are beautiful animals, but when you are dealing with them face-to-face, they are also deadly. And, some competition is brewing between Tanana families—is bad blood developing, as well? According to Discovery, on tonight’s new episode, “Wolf Invasion”:

“The annual dog sled race is the biggest event in the village. The Moores look to defend their crown, but James looks to take it away and take over the dog breeding business. Charlie and Stan band together to keep everyone safe from a vicious wolf pack.”

And, perhaps we’ll learn a bit more about Bob, who is still smarting after a humiliating punishment from his dad:

Stay tuned.

Yukon Men airs on Discovery Channel on Sunday nights at 10/9c.

Read more about YUKON MEN on TVRuckus!

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Video:  YouTube

YUKON MEN: Charlie Wright Tells Son Bob, Get to Work or Just Get Out

Bob Wright of YUKON MEN

Charlie Wright informed his son, Bob (above), that he could either work or leave town; looks like he may be leaving town.

There is a lot of father-son angst in Tanana, Alaska, lately. Everybody has to grow up sooner or later, and for some, growing up is harder than it is for others. Take, for example, Bob Wright, son of town leader Charlie Wright.

Bob has had a really hard time of it, deciding what to do now that he is a high school graduate. In Alaska, especially in a remote, tiny town like Tanana, there is no time to explore one’s options; you just need to make up your mind. And, if you are going to lollygag around about it, well, at least get some work done while you are hemming and hawing.

Bob has just been lollygagging.

It is easy to understand why Charlie has lost patience with his son; there is a lot on Charlie’s shoulders, and the last thing he needs is a grown man to take care of because he refuses to take responsibility for himself. Bob just doesn’t “get” it:  He is not a kid anymore, and it really doesn’t take a lot of time to decide, are you in or out? Do you want to stay in Tanana, or do you want to try your hand elsewhere? And, if it IS going to take you some time to decide, use that time working hard on the skills needed to LIVE in Tanana—that in itself should be enough to help one decide if this life is for them or not.

Bob, however, seemed to think that being in flux about what he wanted to do meant he could just float around and not do a lot of anything while he was considering his options—not one of the options on the table, as far as Charlie was concerned. And, Charlie, well-established as a patient person, had been losing it a little at a time with his son over the weeks. But, this week, when Bob not only left goose-hunting early—better for Charlie that he left, with the way he was behaving—but left his half of the camp up and intact, after telling Charlie he would take it down, well, Charlie had had enough, and he told Bob, in a nutshell:  Get up and work or get out of here.

And, after speaking with James Roberts, who himself left Tanana for awhile in his youth, it looks like Bob is going to take the latter option.

Speaking of James, he is working with an obnoxious son himself—Francis, his 16-year-old, who is always breaking things and acting, well, obnoxious, particularly when he doesn’t get his way. But, hey, after all, Francis is a teenager, and why else do teenagers exist other than to be obnoxious know-it-alls who drive their parents crazy? James seems to take it all in stride, regardless, and is doing his best to teach by example; good for James.

And, at last, Joey is taking over hunting responsibilities from his dad, Stan. Both of these alpha males are stepping up to take care of the family these days, but Stan is stepping back, realizing that he IS getting older, and it may be time to let Joey start taking over some of the responsibilities for the family that used to automatically fall on his own shoulders. At this point, the transition seems like a graceful one from father and son: Let’s hope it lasts!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Sunday nights at 10/9c.

Read more about YUKON MEN on TVRuckus!

Image:  Discovery Channel

Two Nights of YUKON MEN Will Leave Tanana Forever Changed!

Flood in Tanana on YUKON MEN

The flood arrives in Tanana, which will be seeing many changes over the next two shows, airing tonight and Sunday.

It’s a weekend of change in Tanana, with an all-new episode of YUKON MEN on Discovery Channel tonight, Saturday, November 30, and one tomorrow night, as well.

Viewers will still be on the edge of their seats from last week’s episode, with a flood coming and Bob struggling with his desire to get out of Tanana vs. his need to stay and help prepare for the flood. According to Discovery Channel, on tonight’s episode, “Aftermath”:

“As floodwaters surge, threatening the village, valuable driftwood is left flowing in the wake. James takes to the river to stock-up but his own son, turns his back on him. Joey also races up river but ends up stranded. Pat hires a helper from New Zealand.”

Tomorrow night, fans will be glad to know that Pat Moore’s wife is coming home, but there are going to be big changes around the house. According to Discovery Channel, on episode, “Season of Change”:

“Pat is faced with tough financial choices when he finds out his newly handicapped wife is returning home. Sensing weakness, James comes up with a plan to bring Pat’s kennel down. Stan is forced to make a life-changing decision. Bob finally decides to leave Tanana.”

One person who has no intention of leaving Tanana is Joey Zuray, and he certainly has the skills to live in this unforgiving wilderness area. Listen to Joey explain about hunting wolves—but don’t try it at home (as if most of us even could)!

This weekend, two new episodes of YUKON MEN are airing on Discovery Channel, the first TONIGHT, Saturday, November 30 at 10/9c, then the second tomorrow, Sunday, December 1, also at 10/9c.

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Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Video:  YouTube

YUKON MEN: James Roberts Delights in Pat Moore’s Family Crisis

Pat Moore, James Roberts and Charlie Wright on YUKON MEN.

James Roberts (middle) listens and plans as Pat Moore (L) discusses his current situation with friend Charlie.

James Roberts has always been a fan favorite on Discovery Channel’s YUKON MEN, but this season he has revealed a ruthless streak that might be turning viewers’ opinions the other way.

Last night, James continued on his quest to become the top dog breeder in Tanana, displacing the Moores. Nothing wrong with that—business is business. But, his delight as he imagines taking them down is rather distasteful:

“Pat’s tough. He’s gonna go down clawing and fighting. I just hope to be there, pick up the pieces when he falls apart, crush him and stomp on him like a soda pop can and keep moving on.”

No need to clarify James’ position on the matter.

Of course, the Moores themselves are rather distasteful, treating themselves and, in fact, each other, with little to no respect in most cases. When Pat Moore commented, “I hope that I don’t have to decide between Lorraine and the dogs; they’re the most important things in my life,” I sincerely hope he wasn’t suggesting that there would actually BE a choice to make. Wife on one hand, dogs on the other—hmmmmmmmm. Again, let’s hope that Pat would not actually choose the dogs over his wife if it came to that—but if anyone were going to do it, it would be Pat Moore.

It is easy to understand, of course, why it would be hard to give up one’s business. And, that creates yet another set of problems. And, goodness knows most all of us know about money struggles and the limitations such struggles can cost with providing even basic healthcare, must less the type Pat’s wife is going to need. But, Pat’s struggle—stating, “I don’t know; she’s gonna have to progress”—seemed to be one of blaming his wife more than wanting to help her get better.

“I wish no ill-will for Pat and his family,” James said in a camera cameo, “but when one musher finds another musher falling on hard times, that’s when valuable dogs can exchange hands. This is my chance to unseat the king; time to put the wheels in motion.”

Fair enough, but a far cry from, “stomp on him like a soda pop can.” Somehow, in the light of that, James’ claim of “no ill-will” just doesn’t ring true.

A battle of the distastefuls—who will win in the end?

Stay tuned for next season to find out!

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Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Pat Moore Hopes for Job Opportunity with New Road, Others Not So Happy

Yukon Men, Pat Moore

Pat Moore on his wedding day! A lot has changed in Tanana since then, and now a road is on the way–big changes no doubt coming for the tiny town.

YUKON MEN is bringing the hardships of remote living to fans in a whole new way this season. With a road coming to the town and resources scarce, will the citizens of Tanana begin to turn against each other?

Last night on the Season Premiere, the building of the road was confirmed. There were some for it, some against it, but it was clear:  It is not a subject open to debate. Whatever one’s opinion, there is going to be a road connecting Tanana with the town of Manley, then to the large city of Fairbanks, Alaska. The one thing that Pat Moore was hoping for was new jobs for the area. Much to his surprise, tho’, he was offered a job on the road himself—something he actually desperately needs, with all of the medical bills his wife’s illness has incurred. He has been in a hard spot, with few options. He does not want to move away from Tanana and, even if he did, what would he do?

Unfortunately, it looks like the road may well be a divisive project in Tanana. After being offered a job by the Tanana city manager, Pat seemed even more conflicted. Should he take the opportunity? Or, would it cause too much friction between him and his friends and neighbors? In a small town—only about 250 people—goodwill is important.

Charlie, Stan, Joey and James went off on a bison hunt, trying to find food for themselves and the town after king salmon fishing was shut down by the state of Alaska. Returning from a successful hunt—only one bison, but enough meat to feed several families—the guys were exhausted. But, Pat stopped by to let them know that the road was a definite “go,” as well as to gauge his friends’ responses to the news. Charlie & Stan were not too thrilled, worried about the changes that could come. James seemed more measured, citing the fact that some thought it could be good, some thought it would be the beginning of the end. Much younger than the other men, Joey was more open-minded than the rest, pointing out that it is, after all, 2014. Pat did not share his job offer with the guys, but it seems clear:  The road could be just the opportunity that Pat Moore needs to take care of his family. “I’m very happy that there’s a road coming,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for it. I’ve been waiting for a road to come.”

Pat has been difficult to watch at times on YUKON MEN. As he himself has said, he is definitely a “tough love” type of guy. But, hopefully the road will be a good thing for him and his family, help them move forward financially and perhaps make things easier on Pat’s wife, who is still recovering from an aneurism. Stay tuned to Discovery Channel for the all-new season of YUKON MEN.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN Video Preview Exclusive: Double Homicide Rocks Residents of Tanana

Stan Zuray on Discovery Channel's YUKON MEN

A real road is arriving soon, and not all of the residents are for it; Stan Zuray, for example, does not necessarily see it as something good for the future of the town.

YUKON MEN has started a new season on Discovery Channel and, likewise, the residents of Tanana are entering a new season of their lives and community, as a road is coming their way, connecting them easily with the outside world—and it doesn’t matter if they like it or not.

Of course, some of the residents do like it, which may end up pitting friends against friends as the season goes forward. Pat Moore, for example, is happy to see the road come to town. After all of the hardships he has suffered the last couple of seasons, between trouble working his dog kennels without adequate help, to trying to care for his wife after a brain aneurysm. Just watching him last week, he appeared to go from a man feeling truly defeated at the beginning of the episode, to a man with a bit of sunlight, maybe even actual hope, in his life at the end. Pat had been pro-road, since he thought it could bring jobs to the people of Tanana. What he did not expect, however, was that he himself might be offered a job on the road crew. As of last week, he had neither accepted nor declined the job, and he had not shared the offer with anyone, including his friends. He was very aware of the friction that his accepting a job working on the road could cause, but it doesn’t seem likely that he will turn it down for that reason alone. Ultimately, Pat needs to take care of himself and his wife first, and working on the road could give him the much-needed funds to do that much more easily.

Tonight, the truly unthinkable happens in Tanana:  a double homicide. With the town already divided over giving outsiders easier access to their world, could this be the horrible event that simply rips the close-knit community apart? According to Discovery Channel, on episode, “Day of Reckoning”:

A double homicide rocks the small Alaskan town of Tanana. Pat is forced to make a difficult decision. Joey builds a raft for an epic trip to float a 3-ton truck 150 miles downriver. Meanwhile, Charlie gets devastating news about his son Bob.

Discovery Channel has provided TVRuckus with an EXCLUSIVE video sneak peek of tonight’s episode, for TVRuckus readers only; check it out below!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image & Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

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Read more about YUKON MEN right here on TVRuckus!

YUKON MEN Video Exclusive: Will Stan Zuray Make It Back to Tanana?

Stan Zuray on Discovery Channel's YUKON MEN

Stan Zuray is in a bad spot; will he be able to make it back to Tanana this week on YUKON MEN?

Nothing comes easy for the YUKON MEN of Tanana, Alaska. And, lately, it seems that problems are arising that are making it almost impossible for some residents to retain the way of life they have worked so hard to claim.

For some, like James, the challenge is making sure there is a “next generation” to take over when their time comes to a close. Some of the young generations who are coming-of-age to step into the role of community leaders are finding it necessary to prove themselves in different capacities—can they do it? And, challenges to the validity of the authority of others may bring forth the biggest questions of all. This week, according to Discovery Channel:

“Rising Sons,” Tuesday, September 23, 9/8c

Charlie’s livelihood is challenged when the son of a Tanana legend lays claim to his trap line. Joey and Bob embark on a bow and arrow hunt to secure food for the town elders. James leaves his young sons in the wilderness in the ultimate frontier test.

Also continuing this week is Stan’s journey to get home. Running out of gas on the river is not advisable, and Stan’s predicament is a demonstration of why. This week, he struggles to just keep his boat with him. And, when he has to dive into the freezing river waters to try and save his boat from floating away, his situation only gets worse. Will he make it back to Tanana this week? Check out the EXCLUSIVE video sneak peek below, courtesy of Discovery Channel for TVRuckus readers only!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image and Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

[wpvideo N5QgV0JP]

Watch more YUKON MEN video clips on the TVRuckus YouTube Channel!

YUKON MEN Exclusive Video Sneak Peek: Road News Brings Playmate Divini Rae Back to Tanana

Charlie Wright, Yukon Men

Charlie Wright, long-time citizen and highly respected resident of Tanana, Alaska.:

UPDATED:  Bear scare sends Divini Rae running for Lower 48

Life is always a challenge for the YUKON MEN of Tanana, Alaska, but this season, things are really changing. A road is bringing more accessibility to the area, and perhaps more unwanted visitors. And, people are popping back up that have not been part of the Tanana community for years.

Former resident, Nations, has returned to the area to reclaim his birthright in Tanana. Years ago, he left Tanana—by all reports very suddenly—and a lot of long-time members of the community are reluctant to trust his promise that he is back for good. His father was a well-respected community member, but Nations does not appear to be truly accepted as part of the tight-knit Tanana life any longer.

Last week, Charlie had to decide whether or not to allow Nations to reclaim his trap-line. As viewers are no doubt aware, trapping is a major form of income for the residents of Alaska, and a well-producing trap-line is closely guarded and vigorously defended. So, when Nations came back, claiming that he had a right to the trap-line Charlie had long-since regarded as, well, his own—Nation’s father had asked Charlie to watch over it, but that was many years ago—Charlie was not immediately willing to give it to him. And, who could blame him? It had been a big part of Charlie’s family’s income, and he was not about to give it up easily to someone he feared would just come in, let it lapse, then take off again. But, after some discussion and, frankly, not-so-mature behavior on Nations’ part—was it really the best idea to take Charlie’s traps and hang them on his door?—the trap-line was returned to Nations because, as an honorable man of his word, Charlie felt he could do nothing else but honor his promise to Nations’ dad:  to be the keeper of the line until it could come back to his family once again. This week, however, on all-new episode “New Blood,” Charlie has his own son to worry about, according to Discovery Channel:

Stan gets a surprise visit from an old friend and the reunion sparks opportunity for a dangerous and risky mining operation. Courtney helps a former villager re-acclimate to life in Tanana. Charlie tests his son Bob’s recovery with an epic hunt.

And, take a sneak peek of Courtney’s efforts to help that former villager re-acclimate with this EXCLUSIVE sneak peek video, courtesy of Discovery Channel for TVRuckus viewers only:

And, watch more YUKON MEN video clips on the TVRuckus YouTube Channel!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image & Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN: Bear Scare Sends Divini Rae Running for the Lower 48

Yukon Men bear

Bears everywhere last night in Tanana, and Divini Rae did the right thing: She got the heck out.

After only a few weeks in Tanana, former resident and Playboy Playmate Divini Rae fled, fearing the bears overtaking the village, presumably in search of food.

Time has a way of altering memories. And, it appears that Divini Rae may have glossed over life in Tanana just a bit in her mind, forgetting the hardships and just remembering the good. She wanted to leave the everyday grind of living in a city in the lower 48 and return to the often-touted “simple life” of Tanana. But, what she found was something that was not only hard, but downright terrifying.

Right from the beginning, it was pretty apparent that she was not going to make it; it was clear she had made Tanana into her own little utopia in her mind. We all like to think that if we move away from the conveniences of running water, electricity, grocery stores, shopping malls and fast food, that we would readily adapt and become heroes of the wilderness. But, in most cases, let’s face it, we would do exactly what Divini Rae did:  Turn tail and run back home.

Of course, she used the safety of her child as her reason for leaving—and, of course, that is a valid reason. After all, the bear that Courtney killed was literally steps from where Courtney’s daughter had been playing only moments before. But, bottom line? Bears or no bears, Divini Rae may have spent some of her younger years in Tanana, but she is now like the rest of us:  A product of modern convenience—and, really, what’s wrong with that?

Divini Rae did the right thing; she or her child WOULD have ended up hurt in Tanana. And, there is no shame in doing the right thing. But, it should be a good example—and a lesson—to all of us who watch reality shows like YUKON MEN from our nice, comfy couches each week—do they even HAVE television in Tanana? Truly, the warnings they put at the beginning of these shows are there for a reason:  These lifestyles are hard. These may be TV shows, but living that “subsistence” way of life is nothing to sneeze at, and certainly nothing one should take on lightly. Most of us should probably just stick to our armchair commentary, and let the lifetime experts—like Courtney and Joey—take care of the bears circling around them. YUKON MEN is a great hour of entertainment on Tuesday nights, but it’s just not the way of life for most of us—and that’s what makes reality TV so much fun, that little peek into another world we will never actually be a part of and, frankly, really, when it comes right down to it, do not want to be.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN Video Exclusive: Pat Moore’s Son Returns to Tanana But Will He Be Welcomed?

Tanana, AK

Tanana keeps calling former residents back, but will any of them really become part of the community again?

UPDATED: Pat Moore lets his son know he is tired of enabling him.

This has been a season for former Tanana residents to return to their roots. Former resident Nations, who left suddenly over 10 years ago, showed up again just as suddenly, much to the suspicion of the community. Divini Rae, who lived in Tanana as a child and returned, initially planned to raise her own child in her hometown, but soon found that the area was not as idyllic as she remembered and left. This week, Pat Moore’s son returns.

It could be that some are being encouraged to return because of the road being built to the isolated community. But, of course, roads take a long time to build—there certainly isn’t any access via roadway yet. And, road or no road, living the “simple life” in Tanana is hard, and it only seems to be getting harder. Fish that were once plentiful are nowhere to be found. Hunting is hard, and game elusive. And, there are bears everywhere these days. Just last week, Courtney killed a bear just steps away from her home, where her child had been playing in the yard. The bears were the last straw for Divini Rae—and who can blame her for leaving?

Regardless, Pat Moore’s son, Thomas will return this week. Is he also seeking the return to a simple lifestyle he remembers? Will he be one of the few to make it? According to Discovery Channel, tonight on episode, “Stan’s Gamble”:

Stan’s mining gamble demands that he resurrect a 70-year-old tractor. Without it, the mission will fail. Charlie and Joey are put to the test when they have to endure the most challenging hunt of their lives. Pat Moore’s son, Thomas, returns home.

Stan is really putting a lot on the line for a potentially huge—but possibly disastrous—venture. Will it be worth the effort, or is he really just wasting a lot of time, energy and resources? After all, winter is always near.

Stay tuned.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image and Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN: Pat Tells Wayward Son Thomas, “I’m Not Comin’ Knockin’ No More”

Thomas & Pat Moore

Pat Moore let his son, Thomas, know exactly how he was feeling this week–no more enabling.

One of the best things about YUKON MEN is the attitudes of the men and women featured. Even when a plan goes wrong, they are typically able to make something good from it or, at the very least, make another plan and keep going forward. And, this can-do attitude was in great need this week, as it seemed everyone was having a bad time with their latest ventures.

Stan found himself on the losing end of a silver mine scheme, when the much-needed tractor just could not get the job done. The fact that they got it started at all, after it gathered rust in the woods for decades, was impressive. Using cardboard for gaskets, lengths of generic hose to replace the ones that had rotted over time and, in an ingenious move, scavenging Stan’s wife’s mop to create a throttle from a handle, they did get the tractor running. However, after it moved only a few feet, total disaster:  cracked engine block. Like Stan said, there was no remedy they could conjure for that one—only a replacement will do. So, if the tractor ever does move again, it will not be this season. And, Stan finds himself woefully behind on his winter preparations because of his attempts to strike it rich at the silver mine—will it come back to haunt him as the always-near winter weather moves into Tanana?

Pat Moore was having what should have been a good surprise—the return of his son, Thomas—but it soon became clear:  This is a pattern with Thomas who, according to Pat, has “demons” he needs to deal with. This time, Thomas had up and left without warning, showing up at Pat’s five months later as if nothing had happened. In fact, he just drove up on an ATV and walked over to the dogs, as if he was literally just going to pick up where he left Pat hanging when he left. Thomas said the right words, that he was back to work, to take care of his problems. But, Pat was skeptical and let Thomas know just what he was feeling, saying it straight, “Work is good. ‘Til it’s that hot day when you need a beer afterwards, and it’s all back to square one.” Pat made clear to his son this time:  He is on his side, he will always love his son, but it is going to be up to Thomas to fix himself. What will that mean in the future? Only time will tell.

And, Joey and Charlie had a letdown of a sheep hunt, when they were dropped off at the wrong point, placing them many miles away from the pick-up point. The brush was so thick and the terrain so rugged, they basically spent the entire “hunt” just trying to get to the extraction point in time. They did—and the plane made it, despite brewing bad weather. And, the two hunters were optimistic, just glad that they survived to hunt another day, knowing that, ultimately, this is the life they chose when they decided to spend their lives off-the-grid in Tanana.

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

YUKON MEN: Exclusive Sneak Peek Video of James Destroying Charlie’s Fish Wheel!

Pat Moore, Yukon Men

Pat Moore has had it tough this season; tonight, on the Season Finale of YUKON MEN, things are only going to get tougher.

UPDATED: Season Finale leaves lots of questions unanswered for winter.

It’s the end of the road for this season of YUKON MEN, believe it or not, with the Season Finale airing tonight.

It has been a short season for YUKON MEN, but there has been a lot of tension packed into a small amount of time. Everyone has been nervous about the new road that is in the process of being built to Tanana, making it easier for non-locals to come and go in, around and thru the isolated town. The citizens of Tanana have been divided over whether or not it should be built but, in the end, there really was nothing to discuss:  The decision was made for them, and there will be a road from Tanana to the outside world.

Of course, some residents of Tanana, like Pat Moore, are welcoming the road. It is one thing to live away from the hustle and bustle of society, but for some, having some easier access to things like gas, food and medical attention seems like a blessing. Plus, jobs will be created by the actual building of the road, and Pat Moore, who has found himself awash in medical bills following his wife’s aneurysm, has accepted one of those jobs, making it a bit easier on him month-to-month. Still, life is anything but easy for the Moores right now, and this week, things take a turn for the worse. According to Discovery Channel, tonight on Season Finale episode, “Winter Takes All”:

James races to fortify his wood business and collides with another villager on the way. Stan risks losing all his winter fish to the river. A predator stalks Charlie as he finishes construction of his new trapping cabin. Tragedy blindsides Pat once again.

Watch an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek of tonight’s Season Finale, courtesy of Discovery Channel, for TVRuckus readers only:

Pat has been hard to like at times during the seasons of YUKON MEN, but it has been hard not to feel for him and his family this season.

The Season Finale of YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel tonight, Tuesday, October 21, at 9/8c.

Image & Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN Season Finale Leaves Many Questions for Residents of Tanana & Viewers (Recap)


The Season Finale of YUKON MEN left a lot of questions unanswered, but it did make one thing clear:  It is going to be a long, hard winter for all of the YUKON MEN on Discovery Channel.

Charlie Wright, Yukon Men

Charlie Wright.

Charlie and James ended on a sour note, after James unintentionally destroyed Charlie’s fish wheel just as the fish were running and the catching was getting good. It’s a big river, but just like anywhere else, it seems like the worst things happen—like a rope getting tangled and stalling the motor of James’ boat, sending it out of control with an enormous amount of wood attached—at the worst times—like just as Charlie’s fish wheel was coming into view. Despite his best efforts, James could not stop his boat and wood from literally ripping Charlie’s fish wheel in half, taking away up to 70% of Charlie’s winter food source for his family this year (See the video on the TVRuckus YouTube Channel). James is a good guy, and he and Charlie are friends; he wants to make it right. But, repairing the wheel was not an option for this season; it could not be done while the fish were still running. And, if there is free wood available to the residents of Tanana from the road building as is being rumored—and there is a LOT of wood there—it could put a damper on James’ own ability to make money and even pay restitution to Charlie. So, what will he do?

Charlie is working hard to try and get a new trap-line built, as well as a cabin for the area. He lost his best trap-line, fans will remember, when Nations returned to claim the line Charlie had been watching for many years for Nation’s late father. Now, it is more important than ever that Charlie have a new line working well this season, after losing his fish wheel. One bright spot:  The area is full of bears. If nothing else, it should be a good food resource for Charlie and his family (although he did let one bear go last night instead of shooting it, realizing that the time was not right to kill it for food just yet).

Stan wasted a lot of time this season with a silver mining scheme instead of preparing for winter, and he found himself sorely behind. He was able to catch a lot of fish during their seasonal run, which will feed not only his family, but his dogs. However, he lost about a quarter of the fish as he transported them home—a major loss late in the preparation season. How will he rebound?

Pat Moore on his wedding day!

Pat Moore on his wedding day!

And, Pat Moore; the blows just keep coming. Last night, his wife suffered a medical setback, and returned to the hospital via Medevac, while Pat stayed behind to continue prepping for winter. She was barely conscious at times, having seizures, and there was a lot of treatment time lost, simply from being so far away from a major hospital. Assuming she is able to return to Tanana, what will Pat do? He was already weighted down before this latest crisis; perhaps Courtney will be able to step in and relieve some of the pressure? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure:  Pat is taking care of the kennel, he has a job on the road; he cannot do it all. But, the last time Pat’s wife of 30 years had to be in the hospital for an extended stay, Courtney was a major help; hopefully this time she will be up for the challenge, as well.

The summer seemed to zip by for Tanana this season—but then, it always does, right? “There are unidentifiable freedoms,” Pat explained, “that you can’t really put your finger on until you go into the city. Then you realize why you live here.”

Let’s hope those undefinable freedoms all pay off this winter for the residents of Tanana; good luck to them all.

Read more about YUKON MEN right here on TVRuckus!

Images:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

Reality Alaska Style: Our Top 10 Favorite Shows from the Frozen North in 2014


There are a couple of trends in television right now that do not seem to be on their way out anytime soon. The first is, of course, reality television. For all of the complaining people do about it, the viewer demand for it is high, so it certainly will not be going anywhere in 2015. And, related to reality television:  Alaska.

Alaska is, as many people view it, the final frontier in the United States. And, it is a mystery that many viewers would like to explore. Most will never find themselves hiking to the outhouse or defending themselves from moose, but that doesn’t mean reality television cannot take them there—and in 2014, it did. These were our Top 10 Alaska Reality Shows of 2014:

  1. GOLD RUSH (Discovery Channel):  Like him or not, Todd Hoffman is king of Alaska reality television. Some fans love to watch him struggle for gold with his team, others—most—just love to hate him. But, whether you like Todd or not, there is no denying the hold this show has over fans. And, okay, we concede: This show has been OUT of Alaska as much as IN Alaska (right now, all of the miners are in the Klondike). But, as fans since Season One, we’ll always see GOLD RUSH as an Alaska show overall.
  2. DEADLIEST CATCH (Discovery Channel):  Crab fishing is one of the deadliest occupations in the world, and fans of this show watch week after week, breath held, to see if these fishermen will make their quotas and get home safely. The show celebrated its 10th season in 2014!
  3. ALASKA: THE LAST FRONTIER (Discovery Channel):  The Kilcher family lives and works on a homestead in Alaska that has now been home to four generations of Kilchers, following the birth of baby Findlay, introduced to viewers in 2014.
  4. ESCAPING ALASKA (TLC):  The show’s premise is not difficult to figure out from the title of the show:  Five young people from Alaska decide to leave their homes and try something different in San Diego, California.
  5. YUKON MEN (Discovery Channel): If you ever thought you might want to move completely off the grid, you may just change your mind when you watch the residents of Tanana, AK, struggle through the winters.
  6. BERING SEA GOLD (Discovery Channel):  These gold dredgers fight the Bering Sea each summer before the ice freezes—then go UNDER THE ICE when it does. Sometimes there is a lot more drama than gold, however.
  7. ALASKA MONSTERS (Destination America):  Are there monsters in Alaska? Well, if there are, we have not seen them yet, but these guys have a lot of fun trying to find them. And, fans who take it in the right perspective—this is a reality TV show about finding monsters, let’s keep in mind—have a lot of fun watching.
  8. WILD WEST ALASKA (Animal Planet):  Interesting, if a bit sporadic. This gun show cannot seem to make up its mind on whether it wants to focus its business in Alaska, or make a move to Las Vegas.
  9. RAILROAD ALASKA (Destination America):  Some people rely on planes to get around in Alaska. Some have snowmobiles. This show features the stories of those who rely on the Alaskan Railroad for transportation.
  10. EDGE OF ALASKA (Destination America):  We were introduced to the residents of McCarthy, AK this season–talk about out on the edge of the world! Since a reader reminded us that ICE ROAD TRUCKERS (History Channel) actually was filmed entirely in Canada this year, we made a change to reflect the next show on our list.

In 2015, old favorites will return, while new shows will begin. In the near future, ULTIMATE SURVIVAL ALASKA begins on National Geographic on January 4 at 9 p.m. ET/PT; ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE returns on Discovery Channel on January 2 at 10 p.m. ET/PT; and all-new series, ALASKA: BATTLE ON THE BAY premieres on Animal Planet on January 8 at 10 p.m. ET/PT.  It just does not seem that the viewer hunger for more Alaskan lifestyle is waning—and networks are happy to supply the demand.

And, you can read more about all of our Top 10 Alaska Reality Shows right here on TVRuckus!

Image:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN Video Update: Discovery Channel Returns to Tanana, AK, on September 15!


Fans of YUKON MEN will be delighted to learn that this Discovery Channel hit is on its way back to television on September 15, with new threats, clashes and, yes, community togetherness in Season Four.

Tanana, Alaska is featured in YUKON MEN. Described by Discovery Channel as “on the very edge of civilization,” the town is less than 100 miles from the Arctic Circle. Not surprisingly, life in Tanana is harsh. The 200 villagers face an ever-changing landscape with everything from fierce weather to wolves at their doorstep. On YUKON MEN, viewers see that the isolation of living in remote Alaska is real and tangible.

This season, the Yukon Men face new threats to their way of life. The changes can be frightening and cause some people to take extreme measures…and even to reassess their remote lifestyle. Residents find themselves at odds over a trap line, fighting for their livelihood. But they also pull together as a community to battle a pack of wolves closing in on Tanana and to rescue a stranded villager cut off by the sudden breakup of the icy Yukon River.

The Yukon Men are constantly reminded of their isolation. Another danger of their remote lifestyle hits home when a medical emergency strikes.

YUKON MEN is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Brian O’Toole are Executive Producers. Kyle Wheeler is Executive Producer and Lisbeth Lozano is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

The Season Premiere of YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday, September 15 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Image & Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN Season Premiere Recap: Town Uniting Against Advancing Wolf Packs Surrounding Tanana


The new season of YUKON MEN premiered on Discovery Channel last night–and just because they are far away from “civilization” does not mean that the residents of Tanana, AK, do not have the problems we all have. They just have a few special issues that don’t affect most of us in the lower 48!

Tanana, Alaska. It’s a village on the very edge of civilization – less than 100 miles from the Arctic Circle.  Life here is harsh. The 200 villagers face an ever-changing landscape with everything from fierce weather to wolves at their doorstep. The isolation of living in remote Alaska is real and tangible.

Last night, the residents of Tanana found themselves fighting a wolf problem, with the hungry hunters roaming all around. This will no doubt be an ongoing fight for Tanana this season.

Residents were getting their traplines and dog teams in order last night, mostly in the dark, as the long “Dark Days” were upon the town. Afternoon hours plummet into darkness as pure as midnight during the Dark Days, and it makes working even harder–and the temperatures even colder, going from -20F in the early afternoon to -32F after the sun goes down only a couple hours later, around 4 p.m., for a 20-hour stretch.

“You don’t want to breathe too hard,” resident Joey Zuray warned of the night temperatures, “or you’ll actually freeze your lungs.”

Family is important in the region, and last night Joey honored his grandmother with a special dinner, thanking her for the land and home she passed down to him, and to show her how he had been caring for it and improving it. It was a nice moment on the show.

Charlie Wright was working away in the dark, as well. He is still working on his new trapline, after losing his to the return of an original family member. “The Dark Days is a nocturnal predator’s world, and it does play on your mind,” he said, speaking of the dangers.

Wolves are always a danger to be respected, but last night residents were feeling particularly vulnerable, with all of the close howls and many tracks left in the snow. Moose carcasses were found, clean as a whistle. “They love to hunt in the dark,” Charlie said. Courtney Agnes was finding a lot of tracks, as well, less than a mile from the family kennel. A town meeting revealed that multiple wolf packs were around, and the residents decided the best defense was a barricade of traps. Stan and Joey set out traps in the north, Charlie and Bob worked in the west, setting a wall of traps donated for the job by residents to secure the town’s borders from advancing wolves–drawing a line in the snow, so to speak.

Courtney was out working with her father, Pat Moore, last night, getting the kennel going, trying to get sales up (although, frankly one has to wonder if their falling sales have more to do with the dogs or with the family’s general unpleasant attitudes). Pat’s wife, Lorraine, is still healing from an aneurysm, and Pat is focusing most of his attention on his wife, leaving him less time for the family business. So, it will be up to Courtney, and possibly her cousin, Nations, to step up and have dogs ready for buyers.

Stan Zuray was out working his traplines last night–no mining for gold this season, apparently! He’s not having great success this year, he indicated–things don’t seem to be going well for a lot of the Tanana residents in general this year, actually–but he continues on, hoping his trapline will pick up as the trapping season goes forward.

YUKON MEN is produced for Discovery Channel by Paper Route where Alan LaGarde and Brian O’Toole are Executive Producers. Kyle Wheeler is Executive Producer and Lisbeth Lozano is Coordinating Producer for Discovery Channel.

It’s a long, cold winter in Tanana–and viewers can catch the action on Discovery Channel’s YUKON MEN on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

YUKON MEN: Watch Charlie Begin the Tanana Wolf Hunt in Our Exclusive Preview Video!


Tonight on Discovery Channel hit series YUKON MEN, the residents of Tanana, AK, are waging war against another resident of the area: wolves.

Last week, Tanana residents made it clear that there were too many wolves for their liking surrounding their town. Is this the wolves’ fault? No; wolves have to live and eat, too, so taking down a moose doesn’t seem out of line. But, overpopulation of many species can occur for various reasons, and perhaps that has happened in the case of wolves, leading to a threat to the moose population–and to the residents of Tanana. Hopefully, there will be more explanation on the situation of the wolf population in Alaska–specifically in the Tanana area–on tonight’s show.

Also tonight, the Moore family is having a rough time; actually, they have been having some rough issues the last season or so, with Pat’s wife’s health issues necessarily becoming center-stage and the dog business not thriving as the family needs it to do. And, the return of Pat’s nephew, Nations Jordan, has been an unsettling issue for some, as well. Pat’s daughter, Courtney Agnes, has truly stepped up to the challenges the family faces–Pat could not keep things going without her–but she has her own kids, and it is a balance that is shaky to maintain at times.

Tonight, on YUKON MEN episode “The Black Wolf,” the community is facing the wolves and the Moores are facing each other, according to Discovery Channel:

Joey deals with consequences of Alaska’s unusually warm winter and must turn to his dad for help. Pat steps in to help Courtney with motherhood while she takes care of the family business. Nations has to prove himself to Pat when he thinks their dog mushing team is running with the wrong leader.

And, take a look at Charlie’s attack on the leader of the wolf pack, the “Black Wolf,” EXCLUSIVE for TVRuckus readers, courtesy of Discovery Channel: 

It’s going to be a tense night on YUKON MEN; stay tuned!

YUKON MEN airs on Discovery Channel on Tuesday nights at 9/8c.

Image:  Discovery Channel via Facebook

Exclusive Video:  Courtesy of Discovery Channel, Used with Permission

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