Stan Zuray is getting older; can his son step it up in Tanana, AK, or could it be time for Stan to pack it in?
Tanana, Alaska, is waking up, and YUKON MEN returns this Sunday with all-new episodes on Discovery Channel!
It’s not only bone-chilling cold in Tanana, just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle, it is dark for six weeks, and residents are ready for some daylight! Last season, Tanana suffered through record-breaking cold of 70-below zero, and the residents were scrambling for supplies to get through the winter; now, viewers will watch as Tanana’s citizens finally emerge from their cocoons and begin, yet again, to start preparing for the winter months lingering on the horizon.
One of the drawbacks of living that Alaska life: Winter ALWAYS seems to be lingering on the horizon!
This season, father-son relationships will be put to the test with new pressures and responsibilities that will be demanded of them. The YUKON MEN find themselves at a cross roads as they grapple with some life-altering decisions. Stan Zuray has always been a proud patriarch and has welcomed the responsibility to provide for his families. But Stan isn’t getting any younger and hunting in Alaska isn’t getting any easier. Stan’s son, Joey, must step up and take on some of the major responsibilities in order to protect his father from the harsh conditions of the Alaskan wilderness. Meanwhile, Charlie Wright is struggling with his own family, as his son, Bob, must decide if he can handle a life in Tanana or if it’s time to find a job in the big city. Down the street, Pat Moore must deal with a family illness and a business in jeopardy while his daughter Courtney relishes in her pregnancy.
The residents of Tanana are a tight-knit bunch, but will they all be together in their own personal no-man’s-land by the end of this winter season?
Stay tuned.
Yukon Men returns to Discovery Channel this Sunday, October 20, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
Read more about YUKON MEN on TVRuckus!
Image: Discovery Channel